Alaris Avocats - Team
ALARIS AVOCATS - PARIS - BERLIN - NEW YORK CITY (click portrait for details)

Attorney, Of Counsel
Admitted to the New York City & Mexico City Bar since 2005
Office: (52 55) 52-50-59-12
Fax: (52 55) 52-50-42-54
Mexico City, Mexico

Attorney, Anwalt
Admitted to the RAK Karlsruhe in 2005
Cell: +49 151 25 29 86 84
Heidelberg, Deutschland

Admitted to the Paris Bar in 2007
Office: +33 (0)613022029
Paris, France

Avocat, Avvocato
Admitted to the Paris Bar in 2015
Office: +33 (0)613022029
Paris, France

Attorney, Managing Partner
Admitted to the Paris & Berlin Bar 2004, Member of NYC Bar 2014
Office: +33 (0)613022029
Paris, France

Admitted to the New York Bar in 2008
Office: +1 646 650 2785
Fax: +1 646 650 5109
New York City, U.S.A.